I have been asked recently in one of my massage continuing education classes if I have many clients who have had a hip replacement. I answered plenty, and some with both hips replaced. I marvel at our trauma medicine and what it has been able to accomplish in the past 100 years!
The illiofemoral joint is a deeply cupped ball and socket joint with very strong muscles and ligaments attached to it. Consequently, many of the impacts and pulls that are placed upon can create pain and dysfunction Dr. Ida Rolf, the founder of Structural Integration commonly known as Rolfing, believed that the hip joint was the greatest determining factor in postural symmetry.
For any massage therapist who is pursuing insights in the hip and lower back pain in a massage continuing equation courses, they should explore methodologies and approaches that bring balance into the joint because of the long term wear and tear that usually leads to the necessity of a replacement. Often times when I ask my clients if there was anything that precipitated their painful condition that necessitated the surgery, there was no determining factor that could be addressed that could be considered responsible for the replacement…only conjecture. So, its extremely important for the therapist to begin to educate their clients to the necessity of focused work in the hip as a preventative measure. [Read more…]