Now that you have practiced releasing your own tension into the Earth everyday for a week or two, you are now ready to put this first new skillset into a practical form to catapult you to the next level in your ability to help others. The whole concept will be to do two things at once, like right and and left hand in playing a musical instrument. This technique can be applied to any modality you practice. If you haven’t practiced the first technique, I encourage you to do that now and then come back to this. Foundational teachings are very important and without a solid foundation there is a tendency for everything to crumble. In the case of practitioners of bodywork disciplines and massage, you will really being doing yourself a great disservice. There is no timeline with this teaching and no schedules or exams. If you practice the methodology I am teaching, you will see how wonderfully this begins to impact your ability to help your clients. I promise! No pressure! Buddha said that it didn’t matter if you fell off the path a thousand times as long as you got back on it a thousand times. Be Nike about this!
Those who have bought my courses have been taught the concept of centering and potentially prayer-like invocations before you actually touch your clients. It’s a simple ritual, but many of us have lost the connection to ritual in our lives and therefore our connection to Spirit. It doesn’t take very long, but go inside and connect in any fashion that supports your journey and your concept of the Divine. A minute or more is fine. And then once that is accomplished, I suggest you slowly touch your client. If you are doing structural work such as Rolfing, touch your clients and for a moment or two and just allow yourself to listen and feel before proceeding. Doing cranial you might be there, allowing the fields to dovetail, for 10 minutes more.
As a Rolfer I have a sense of the structure and where I am interested in creating some change. But, the maestro herself, Dr. Rolf said, ”It ain’t always where you think it is.” Simply start your conversation with your hands listening and ask a question to their body that is appropriate, or that comes to your mind. What’s the hurry? You have an hour to an hour and a half. Take your time and have a felt sense of the field that you have entered and are palpating with both your hands and your mind. This creates a very powerful and safe field for your client to begin to share their needs at an unspoken level!
Now let’s integrate what you have learned from the floor tension releasing meditation technique. Start at your feet and move up and around while you palpate and watch your client’s body. If you are standing, leaning, or sitting feel the natural tension that is necessary for the activity and scan your own body and go deeply within to keep your mind from wandering to some future or past event. You know what I mean, they are all different and personal. What we are looking for is taming the tiger, and keeping the monkey mind from diverting our attention. It is the quality of our attention that creates the magic where all the unforeseen forces begin to align themselves with the task at hand. Someone has come to you for a healing, your presence determines often how powerful that response will be. A scattered mind can only reflect so much information and transmit it to the patient you are holding. Use the tension and release mechanism and drain it into the floor. And BREATHE! Use the breath to feel what is happening in their field and yours. Is there too much tension in my shoulders as I apply the technique? Are my hands unduly tense? You get the point. Scan your body and work on them with as much consciousness as possible.
And please remember to take this “horse” for a good long ride before you make the determination of whether these techniques and tools that I am sharing are valuable or not. I can tell you that these tools have been used to raise consciousness for thousands of years. Just don’t be a fool and make a decision that after a 10 minute attempt there is no value to it! Even if you are unable to do this for a whole session, if you do it for 10 minutes or 5 you may be pleasantly surprised that you have been given a key to open a portal that accelerates you abilities as a healing arts practitioner.
If you have questions about what I am sharing and want to go a bit deeper, please ask and I will expand upon it. If you use the website discussion panel everyone can read the questions and responses. The next technique will blow your minds, but it will be nearly valueless unless you have practiced the first two.
Thank you very much Judah.
All practices have their techniques, even spirituals, even meditative and I feel it great to hold in your tools a simple minima that contains all the techniques that can be.
So reduced, so summarized, they express really in the aim you give them, the way applications can find themselves.
Yu are literally one of my oldest students, Jean-Philippe and I appreciate your words and support!
it interesting ,but slight confusing
Ella, sorry for such a long response, ther is obviously a glitch in the web hosting software I never saw your repsonse. Let me know if I can clear up the confusion. Best way to communicate with me is
Thank you Judah.
After reading through the Tools of integration.
I feel so blessed to have come across your site on the internet.
It is my life purpose to work in a deeper spiritual way. With my client’s l have always started with a short prayer and finnish with a Gratitude prayer.
However your method and teachings will be valuable tools to extend and enhance my work. Especially they will raise my own vibration .allowing me a deeper access to peace and stillness within .
I would love to sign up for your online course of modules in June 2023.
Would prefer the DVD’S as sometimes our Internet is poor.
Many Blessing and Thank you.Therese Australia
Thank you Judah for the blog essays. I am still trying to understand the fields, and how to identify and respond or relate to them, what would that look like? You have replied to my email regarding the fields, but I am writing here for additional clarity.
Would you write a blog on this topic, or if there is one, please refer me to it.
Elias, that is a great question! But, (and all the truth is expressed after the but)I believe you started this journey less then 10 days ago. So, as a teacher I am very much enlivened by your interest in the work so far but a bit more tine on the cushion so to speak will be very helpful. Teachers love dedicated students.I am not being evasive when I tell you that it is difficult, even in person, to teach a felt sense at any point on the journey. My suggestion for now is to get your hands on as many people as possible and practice what is taught in the video series on fields. Practice with the projection from your body around the three proposed field images that we teach in the series. Spending, say 5 minutes in each field waiting for information from the person who you are holding. JUST WAIT! Don’t have any expectations whatsoever! Just LISTEN. Do that on 10 or more different people, then come back with more insights and then I can answer your questions with more clarity.I had a new student like yourself ask me when he would learn about ignition. Which was like a brand new guitar student asking when he would learn to play “Classical Gas” by Mason Williams.I love the questions Elias, so please plays with the 3 fields for 15 minutes on each student and hopefully after 10-15 students your felt sense of the work will have developed a whole new concept of field dynamics.You get, that and you are well on your way to an enlightening journey.Then come back with questions. -Go Well, Judah