Lateral fluctuations are in the fluid body and can express a lesion in the fluids, or the potential for the system to be creating a treatment manifestation. We know that the fluid body is in reality one organism connected by billions of cells and there are different rates of fluctuations that can be happening simultaneously. The fluid field is a breathing organism that is responding to forces from outside of itself. It is primary respiration and it is intelligent. These fluctuations occur often times in the mid-tide. It is perceived as a transverse wave or motion. But, there is also a vertical movement because the field is literally a 3 dimensional liquid crystalline matrix.
It’s often difficult to detect. I have been taught that when the system is attempting to balance itself, that is when you might perceive that motion. It’s still a mystery about what is creating it. Originally Dr. Sutherland said it was due to a reaction from the tissues, specifically from the brain and meningeal dura. But, to this day its still an unknown mystery. One can only say that it is birthed from the life force and can be attributed to the “Breath of Life.”
A lateral fluctuation happens on a transverse axis, it appears on one side of a fulcrum to the other side. Like a seesaw or an infinity sign with its fulcrum containing the still point. Dr. Sutherland said it occurred 25-30 times a minute. A force moving in one direction to another. It’s not linear, it’s more of looping around a fulcrum.
One can incite or retard the fluctuations depending on your insights. Weakness in the system would be the grounds for inciting the system, jumpstarting so to speak. Usually from the temporal bones.` And then the opposite would be true. Take it to the still point. Look to the stillness to where the motion is taking place, the fulcrum where the power is organizing itself.
This is ultimately where your perception needs to be. Don’t focus too deeply at that point or you will lock the system up. The automatic shifting reveals the lateral fluctuation and then the system will begin to adjust after the still point. There has been a healing, a transmutation and the shape of the fluid body has changed. The entire system now has to reestablish itself to the changes that have transpired and this will continue for a few days after the treatments.
YOU WILL NOT SEE IT IN ALL YOU CLIENTS, SO DON’T LOOK FOR IT! They are generally there when something is in need of deep healing. When a system is relatively balanced, those fluctuations are not there. Unless the system is in need of healing it won’t be present.
Gratitude for being allowed to perceive the client’s system is the first step in being able to perceive and hold Stillness. Silence is Golden. You must learn how to come into contact with the Primary force of the fluid body without disturbing it. This is the journey! Perceiving the space between movement and stillness!
Quite complex technique that is I think easier to consider hands on client.
I think to keep quite in the tides and have a notion of the middle line and core of the body helps to deal with lateral fluctuations that happen as events in a system that only wants peace, not specially events…
Its a great strategy Jean-Philippe. Lateral fluctuations are an advanced awareness. It happens at a higher rate and is only available once you detect the fulcrum of an inertial fulcrum. And that doesn’t mean that you will be aware of a lateral fluctuation. It is a self healing technique of the body and is used when needed. That’s why keeping a focus on the mid-line and playing in stillness is the proper “technique”
Is it like a trouble that, once asked its own reason, is freeing its own game then looking quite unquite for its balance, and once it finds it under calmed listening hands, dissolves itself, as soon as it joins its own balance?
Essentially if I am understanding a Spanish and French speaker’s english on the subject yes!The thing to remembers that one must first be quiet and not looking for the lateral fluctuations. they happen as part of the systems desire to balance itself. It is a faster rhythm and it usually appears as a see- saw or infinity type sign in 3 dimensions. If you do feel one, then depending on your assessment of the overall system you either amplify it or dissipate it so to speak depending on what the system needs.
That’s clear. Many thanks.
These lateral fluctuations are truly magical and yes, mysterious.Sounds like some of the “ping ponging” I have felt may indeed be these fluctuations.As I grow in my practice, Im learning to let go of knowing exactly what is occurring and focus more on letting the body heal itself.
Its somewhat like a chess game where you have to strike a balance between focusing on each move while also being mindful of the bigger picture.
Nice description that I understand also.
Good afternoon Judah..
Years ago l started the Cranio Sacral journey through several courses.
I have intergrated this with my Bowen Therapy over the years. But as covid placed me and us all at a stand still. l find myself back again working with clients in my own way and wanting to work into my later years .I have has always wanted to learn and understand more as it fascinates me. I am very much a simple human being . And being still and quiet is vital to my being and l am realising this every day as l work on clients .
However as l work on my clients. l am feeling the holding points require a deep listening and with absolutly no force or control from my end . I can only explain it in my own terms as to wait sofly. I am passionate about learning from You and having a deeper understanding of self and working with the body of my clients with the deepest of Gratitude .
Thank you Therese
I too was certified in Tom’s work Therese. Great approach, I just never manifested the size of the practice to validate sitting and waiting. That being said, we all have instruments in our toolbox that keeps the work of helping others fresh. It sounds like you are ready to go deeper into the Witnessing Presence of Stillness.
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Thank you for the Kudos Felix!