I would say that the concept of Ignition may be the most profound and elusive concept in entire cranial sacral system. It is the essence of the work and requires a great deal of practice and perseverance to begin to contact the Spark of Life that we call Ignition in the cranial system. It has been observed to carry the essence of who we are, knowledge akin to Jing in the Chinese system. When one is gifted to be Witnessed by this Divine Essence which is often called the Breath of Life in our work, one is changed at some level for ever. But, remember the classic teaching, you don’t go searching for it and muck things up by the power of your intention creating waves of motion. You must wait for that which transmutes all things into form! There is a spark that is palpable that creates motion within Primary respiration. Seldom is it the first thing that you become aware of when listening to the system you are holding. Wait, and don’t have expectations that this Spark will be evident just because you are told of its existence. The beauty of this Biodynamic approach is that you don’t have to know, its more of a state of quiet observation. Of course one needs to have established a blue print of what we are listening to with techniques to use appropriately when the situation calls for them, but other than this foundational training, its about many hours of work. One can listen to the subtleties of a classical guitarist playing a celestial piece by Bach, by I dare say it is felt more deeply as the wooden box is vibrating against the body of the player who becomes imbued with Bach’ divine connection. Sit listen and repeat many times. The spark of life will become evident.
The question has often been asked, how do you perceive this spark of life, this ignition that keeps our system alive. Two things I would share, first for me in the beginning it was felt more easily at the base of the electric lightning rod, the sacrum. Secondly,I think by listening to the entire system breath through the field that goes beyond the body one can become in touch with this spark. In order do that “effectively” once needs to let go of wanting and just become aware of the difference between a quality of vitality and the movement of primary respiration. I know many of the great teachers will expound upon the nature of the work, but nothing, I repeat nothing takes the place of countless hours of practice to understand what they have experienced and are sharing with us. Be careful of expecting something and then projecting it on to the system. Eventually your observational skills will change over time. This isn’t a quality of being ushered to a new level permanently, its not permanent in my experience. Remember D.T Suzuki’s famous teaching on Zen beginners mind!
Every process in our bodies receives this ignition which then creates movement into our hands. The Mysterium creates this energy and motion the we can palpate as it changes energetic form. I know that if you have been practicing for some time and I mean years, that you have felt fulcrums or lesions just disappear by being aware of them, that it is the reflective quality of our work and the most powerful tool in our tool bag! What a gift! It is the notion that the Universe takes form to know itself. It is the place of being that we hold that allows us to observe higher states of health just by developing a powerful practitioner fulcrum that we continue to come home and rest in. This fulcrum that welcomes and creates a protective and nurturing environment for the system we are palpating, to tell us her story, and by doing so we serve the Divine Spark! Then it has the ability to create a wonderful changes in the vibratory rate. A new sense of freedom. We know that life is an expression of the eEternal, whatever we choose to call it. Motion isn’ solely an electrical phenomenon. Just lay down on a clear night away form the lights of the cities, and stare up into the sky and you will learn more about what I am trying to convey than all the words I use to explain a phenomenon that must be experienced to truly grasp. Its a state of being that brings you in touch with the most sacred aspect of our work.
I had the great pleasure of spending 4 days with Dr. Bruce Lipton who was trying to express to a layman like myself how the Universe was designed. He brilliantly used and illustrated the concept of fractals. I think that may be the closest thing I have witnessed from the Ignition system. Its similar to a wave of fractals, and it doesn’t unfold on my command or desire to be present with it. There are teachers who are now teaching about DNA and observing the intricacies of the circulatory system while palpating our clients field. There is a vast system of knowledge to discover and to relax into if one just allows it to unfold. Ignition is the alchemical fire, the divine spark that begins to create heat and move the fluids throughout the tissue field. It is a bioelectric field grounded in the earth energy. It might be said that our entire field is on fire! Ignition is the connection between a loving universal presence and ourself. This Spark wants us to be balanced and joyful. So listen like the cat at the mouse hole waiting patiently to feel the expression we call Ignition.
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