Having To Know Holds You Back!
Recently I sent out emails to my list and asked what were the two burning questions they would like to ask of me. One that is voiced often about Cranial Sacral therapy and Structural Integration is “how do I know if I am doing the technique correctly? Great question and certainly valid. I reply that every time a sculptor takes her hammer to the stone, the “finished” work of art isn’t evident in that one technique of hammer lifting stone. My answer to that question is, “what would it be like if you didn’t have to know the answer to….and just fill in the technique”. For instance, when I taught at massage schools over the course of my career, students would often approach me and ask me what was the most difficult aspect of the work. And I would answer, ” the suffering that was brought to the table and not being attached to the outcome of each session! ” In the beginning of my practice in the healing arts, I was often overcome with disillusionment when I wasn’t able to heal a client’s pain that was brought to the table. Of course we want everyone to leave feeling better than when they came in, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. If you have been on the Planet for 30 years, you can count in at around 250,000 hours of embodiment. When a pain pattern flops itself on your table, it may harbor seeds that have grown into full blown pain presentations, that had been planted at birth or in utero! So, to have and expectation that you will be able to solve a problem that has been incubating for years in a session or five for that matter, is a tall order amigas! In the beginning I used to take credit for all the victories, and succumbed mentally to all the “defeats.” Talk about seesawing emotions! As I matured on the path it was much easier to not take credit for anything and just detach from the results. That mindset allowed me not to be attached to the outcome and ushered in a deeper, intuitive conversation to unfold. I then began to notice an increase in positive outcomes with each session!
So, you buy a DVD that has been created by a teacher on a subject and you begin the process of assimilation and mastery. I am amazed how many students knock themselves off the path almost immediately by assuming that they were going to “get it” straight away. I fault our education system for that and not their own shortcomings. Any skill of any value takes time, often years, but the beauty is that miracles can unfold for those that just relax and allow the Divine energy to work through them. What is the single greatest tool to cultivate that to grow in your garden? Simple, just allow yourself “off the hook” by not having to know and just do the technique. If you are learning a basic cranial hold, and the teacher says, “ok just put your hands here and listen! Don’t go looking for anything, just follow the directions and wait for the system to show itself to you. It may take minutes or sessions to have an understanding what the teacher is trying to share with you. This approach is not about what you need, which is often the thought of fixing something and becoming the hero to that person. Dr. Sutherland practiced for 54 years after graduation from the osteopathic college in Missouri! Fifty four years! I think its ok not to be too concerned if you don’t own it right away. So, if you are learning a technique give yourself a break and create some space for wisdom to seep in like a drip irrigation system for your garden. Tend it slowly and with reverence and I promise you you will cultivate a beautiful practice.
Non-attachment is the best fertilizer for your garden because it allows for you to become the Witnessing Presence to the history of the system you are holding. Desiring an outcome can create unwanted tension that you then propagate into their system. Then its possible to follow movements of your own design, thinking yourself clever for having discovered a pattern! Oh how clever! Its a lot more fun to just do the work by following the teachings and play with the concept of not having to know whether what you are doing is right or wrong. Lots of folks cook by a recipe. Its much simpler that way. And in a sense most techniques are from a recipe that has been digested and proven to be successful by the master chef. But, I guarantee you that the cook wasn’t using exact amounts of a condiment, or a particular amount of each herb when they created their tasty soup. They used intuition and were guided by a”template’ that was created before them by the Recipe Maker. In my case it was Dr. William Garner Sutherland and Dr. Ida Rolf. Thank goodness they left some tasty morsels along the path of mastery that they were willing to guide our way through the misty forest of knowledge. Their wisdom crumbs scattered along their 5 decades of practice have kept me alive on my journey. So, go easy on yourselves and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. If you fall off the path discouraged 1,000 times, just step back up a thousand times and look for those tasty morsels that have been left for you by all those who have come before you seeking their nourishment on the healer’s journey. So just relax and follow the teaching and allow yourself to be guided on a wonderful healing journey that could possibly sustain you for the rest of your time on this crazy Planet.
Inspiring . Thank you
Thank You!
Enjoying your blog. Keep it coming!!
Thank you Shawna, I do appreciate your kind words
Judah, I really appreciated your thoughts and expression. Good advice to live and work by. Blessings to you, with gratitude!
Thank you, and let me know anytime if there is anything I can do for you on your healer’s journey, please don’t hesitate.
Your Dvds are excellent but your soul is gold thank you for your beautiful words
Marion thank you for support, its good for the soul!
Thanks for the insight. Good to hear.
Let go, Let go, Let go
Amen. let go and wait. Become like Ginger Rogers to the system and then let their Fred show you you what he needs , then swing Fred into a balanced pattern and what for the system to reorganize along the midline.
Beautiful metaphor. (Or is it an analogy?)…… Fred and Ginger,and the dance that has no ending. 🙂
What I studied with Dr. Jealous I remember him saying, “isn’t it great to fall in love with something – this work – that we will never really be good at.“ Of course, in time we will become quite masterful at this work – especially with an attitude of awe, reverence and humility – but his words point to the fact that we will be required to always dig deeper into the listening and learning process. It’s like with any other craft: we are always apprenticing ourselves to something Greater than us, and in so doing we earn the privilege of helping others ever more deeply.
AMEN! That my friend is the essence of our journey. Thank your your eloquent words.I always have said to my students, “what would it be like for you if you didn’t have to have the answers, if you didn’t have to know anything!”
You were very fortunate to have had Dr. Jealous as you guide. I had his dvds only. It was sad for me that Dr. Jealous wouldn’t let someone like me study with him. I had a student who came to learn from me after I had been practicing for 18 years. He was a cardiologist and a lovely man. But, his skill set was very immature because he had no background in touch. He later went on to study with Dr. Jealous on my recommendation, which he was allowed to. Oh well, it has been a great journey and an incredible blessing to have been shown this path. Thanks again for you comments they are heart warming to a teacher!
No Atachement be still and listen thank you for being such a great Teacher
Love the Expressive beautiful descriptions you have spoken about biodynamic craniosacral sacral therapy, can you PLEASE perhaps give me any insight. Into the side effects I experience when carrying out this therapy I’m moving dynamically(with. Whatever the system is displaying) and then if I reach a still point my physical body will be still, I’m NOT. in controll of these movements, I feel they display signs /messages, as I know when shock is being released. I cannot seem to carry out a treatment and keep still.If my client is into surfing I also feel that I am on a surf board. I may catch myself streaming in tears and then realise, oh I’m crying! I do stuff I’m not knowing why I’m doing it! I MAY SNIFF THE. AIR AND GASP. I become very sensitive and realise I also can tune into feathers, bones, sounds, teeth. My tutors were not able to advise me as they had not come across anything like this before…. I would be ever so great full if you could advise me on what is happening as I’m not sure if this can have an adverse effect on my system although I have helped some injuries and seen positive results happen. I am completely overwhelmed with what I feel and have had a kundalini awakening a stage A, so I am constantly trying to work out and learn about my process. Thank you for your time and any feedback it will be so precious to me. Judy. X
Well, Judy If I had to write a definition for empathic, your experience would pretty much be “an over the top” description! I don’t think anyone could tell you what is happening in your sessions as your sensitivity borders on mediumship. It is really is no longer in the realm of craniosacral therapy. At least in my opinion. I would have only one suggestion as to what you might try to do to change the paradigm you seem to be occupying when attempting to practice CST. Simply, but with enormous focus, stay in your practitioner fulcrum and be vigilant like the hawk circling in the sky, or the cat at the mouse hole ready to pounce the moment your mind drifts away from the fulcrum. It will require a laser of stillness on your part, and a very vigilant attitude of trusting the tide. Judah
Do you give certification?
yes we do!
I am going to read this blog post over and over and over again … Thank you! Oh, and in a few years…. when this series is completed (well I think I will be working and practicing and learning from them and my clients for MANY years) … if my clients ask me about certification, I can tell them “Yes” I can be certified …. thank you for that too!! Although, I think that paper would be more for them than for me at that point… I’ll be happy with CEUs for 2021 though 🙂 …. Again, thank you and your partner for your videos, blog posts, and your guidance! What a great team you are!
It doesn’t hurt to have a diploma on the wall for then to feel valued!