Have you ever asked yourself when you are doing a bodywork session, regardless of the discipline, why the outcomes are often different? I have posed this question to my students of both disciplines, “What would it be like if you didn’t have to know the answers to the needs of the system you are palpating, but to just be deeply present with what is happening at that moment?” That quality of consciousness flies in direct opposition to how so many of us have been educated! But, fascinatingly enough our outcomes are often quite good. Go figure. Actually please don’t!
I think by now many of you realize that the value of our work is oftentimes our ability to reflect for the patient’s system, so that their homeostatic response is powerful enough to create a level of healing. Two different practitioners, same basic techniques, two different outcomes. What is truly important beyond the obvious of being able to be a part of a positive outcome, is how we transform ourselves deeper and deeper into the Stillness and Lightness of Being, and the joy of that essence permeating our daily lives.
Let’s face it, if you are a practitioner of a few years or more, your skill set is probably sufficient to support yourself for as long as you want and to be able live accordingly to that flow of money energy. How we become more skillful is our ability to deepen our attention to the form and approach that we have had “installed” in our “hard drive”. Becoming a great practitioner of any art form requires concentration on the techniques. The first and foremost technique is the breath, the carrier of the life force. Become intimate with it. I have challenged students in the past to take only 5 minutes a day to follow the inspiration and end expiration cycle. Trying to block out all other thoughts. Just 5 minutes to observe! Very few actually implement that technique to become a better practitioner.
Then it is just a matter of merging, listening. After decades of practice, Dr. Sutherland said, “Touch but don’t touch, there is an intelligence in the fluids that knows more about what it needs then from any external force.” That doesn’t mean we don’t use our learned techniques, it implies a respect for the Divine, the Breath of Life. A willingness to listen deeply. Once you truly grasp the meaning you are free, free to explore without being shackled by outcomes and the stress of having to be “successful”. Dr. Rollin Becker said before his sessions, of which supposedly he accomplished 65,000 in 55 years was, “Thank you for allowing me to watch you heal yourself.”
Now for the structural integrationists amongst us, maybe your focus is married to your breath. Explore the level of your touch or the angles or both at the same time. Where is the energy of your work touching in the whole body, not just under your tool. I much prefer the slow dance to the vigorous touch. That doesn’t mean your touch always lacks intensity, it’s just a tool of expression. Once you feel connected take the energy and move the force in different directions until you feel the tissue give and say “Yes, this is what I want, that is where I want to go.” Don’t judge this until you’ve tried it for awhile, and if you don’t feel good with it, discard it. But, please don’t discard this “technique” to connect more deeply until you have tried it for awhile.
The cranial practitioners can hold and project a field of varying dimensions while following your breath and that of your clients. Which field starts to respond in a manner that is obviously the most profound and informative? Wait to hear what the system is asking of you. Once you have established which field that you are holding is the most receptive and giving you the most information, WAIT for the system to come to you. And don’t fret if someone is not enamored with your work after a session or two. Let them go without considering yourself a failure or an incompetent practitioner. It can take hours of work to start the process of healing. If they are not willing to commit, let them go. The Universe will send you just the right amount of people and those who need your Presence.
Thanks for your support. I hope the practice is evolving.
Thanks, good to care.
Great that you are still involved after all these years Jean-Philippe
Will you be teaching again in Virginia or Costa Rica anytime soon? We would love to attend. Missing the expert in the field!
Looks like a big class in China and lots of potential there. Hope all is well in your life Grandma! I was back on Kauai this May visiting my daughter but I don’t see my self bak in the States for some time. Crazy times back there!
Amazing. Thank you!
Thanks Brittanie!! Glad you found value in the post
Wonderful read! Thank you 🙂
thank you for kind words
Nice insight! Thanks for your guidance.
Lovely, reassuring message. Thank you.
Nice and inspiring. Thank you
Hello Judah
I am interested in purchasing more of your educational videos. I have the first one Craniosacral Biodynamics.
Do they come with pdf instructional manuals to further our understanding?
Thanks for letting me know in advance.
I love this! Can you believe I only read it today … just before I went into clinic? But my goodness, it was EXACTLY what I needed to read…
Thank you x
I have no idea why I am just seeing this two years later, there must be a glitch in our website.Anyhow thanks for your kudos.
Your philosophy speaks to me deeply. Thank you!
I am just starting with a course and I appreciate your heartwarming message. Great to start my focus on foundation of breath and energy.
I am here to support your journey, so lean on me when you need insights into the techniques and concepts.
Dear Judah.
There is a Teacher at the school l work at. She has currently been through a traumatic event with several high school student,s.
This has had a immense impact on her.
She has always presented herself as a strong woman as she has spoken many times. However this event has opened a Pandora’s box, and she has spoken of childhood Trauma.
What would be the gentlest and safest way to work with her as a client providing she’s is open to this work.
I would really appreciate some feedback .
Thank you so much .
There is no protocol Therese. The most important thing for you is to project a safe relational field is a solid practitioner fulcrum. Change your field projections and just be patient and hold Stillness
Okay Thank you . I am ready to purchase the DVD set .
I love this, I agree it is such a gift and privlage to witness our clients healing.
Thank you Erin, it’s a wonderful path to travel.
Thank you Judah for this. And for using the term the “Divine”. Truly there is a larger force directing these sessions. So often I come away feeling awe struck. It is magical at times. Presence is the one thing I can cultivate on continuously. That feels so doable and takes away any anxiety I might have about performance.
We all need a witness to our process. Perhaps we are in the business of professional witnessing. 🙂